We're happy to announce our latest software update, Avellanas. We've made some major enhancements to the overall interface, and built tons of new features. Our team is hoping you love it!
VERY IMPORTANT - You will have to clear the cache in your browser in order to upgrade to Avellanas. Here is how to do that:. For Chrome. For FireFox.

Here's what you can find in the latest release:
- TicketSpice is LIVE!: Welcome to the best online ticketing solution on earth (in our humble opinion). Don't be afraid, dive in and have fun checking out these incredible product! Selling tickets online is now a breeze!
- Updated Interface: We've simplified the interface to make getting around easier and not to mention it's beautifully designed.
- Communication Center: It's here! Send invites and reminders to your registrants or donors. Even pre-schedule emails if you want to be able to write it, schedule it and forget about it.

- New Themes & Updated Image Controls: There are a ton of really cool new design themes to keep you looking good. You can now add banner images in addition to header images and control the width of the images. Check out this example!
- New Analytics: We give you world class data! Including top traffic sources, page views, visitors, transaction time, etc. We also give you detailed analytics on your form fields. At any time you can now see a quick glance at your conversion rates, transaction volume, mobile vs. desktop customer usage, top traffic sources and so much more!

- Daily Summary Email: Get a summary email with your daily activity and totals. This is a feature we have been excited to release for a while now! No need to even log into your account to get a quick glance at your campaign's activity, it is now sent directly to your inbox!
- Editing a Registration is Easy as Pie: We think pie is pretty easy... so we reworked the flow for editing a registration and charging for upgrades. You can now simultaneously issue full or partial refunds while making adjustments to the registration. If a change to a registration requires an additional charge, that is now possible as well!
- Donation Feature for Support Staff: If you have staff who raises their own support, your world just got awesome! All you have to do is upload staff names, bios and photos. GivingFuel transforms it into one page.

- International Billing Address: You can now accept payments form non-US countries. It's a simple as editing your card number field to accept international payments!
What's coming in our next release?
- Coupon Code enhancements
- Customer account Management
- GroupRev Integration