Looking to save both time and money? With our software’s features like actions and fee control, a whole new world of increased revenue is at your figure tips. How so? Well, read below! We interviewed one of our own customers who switched ticketing providers just because of the new opportunities TicketSpice gave him. Read on for his inside scoop on our tools that can help you make more and keep more of your time and revenue!

Mike Abrams, the founder of Klik Events, has been a long time customer of TicketSpice. He has used the flexibility and freedom our system provides to drive his sales and to increase his revenue. We want to highlight his success and tap into his in-depth knowledge for you. Our Sr. Director of Global Expansion, Katie, chatted with Mike to tap into his years of event promotion knowledge and to share a few of his secret TicketSpice tips.

Katie (TicketSpice): You take pride in being able to use our software to make and keep more money. What tools have been most helpful for you to increase your revenue?

Mike: Being able to use actions to increase and decrease prices by many factors is huge. This can be done for special sales based on date, but also more advanced such as having ticket prices go up or down depending on how many tickets are left (Yield management ticketing.. similar to how airlines sell seats).

Using actions helps to entice more people by automating discounts, free merchandise, or anything else based on what they spend. If they select a VIP ticket, then I can give them a discount on merchandise. The possibilities are endless.

I love being able to add fees for any item any time as needed, and the ability to charge premium upsells for tickets using financial options available in nearly every area of TicketSpice. (Any of our field types have financial options. When building your ticket page, you can add a multiple choice question with financial options, or use a quantity box with quantities tied to prices).

Pro tip: Click here to view how to add custom fields to your ticket page.

Katie (TicketSpice): You mention that you've been able to capture a substantial amount of fees that you keep because our system allows you to control them. Can you elaborate on why that is important? In what ways has this feature been helpful?

Mike: Having the freedom to charge whatever fee I want helps offset my costs or go towards covering event costs. I can now add venue ticketing fees for venues, or special taxes such as Nevada’s Live Performance Fee. I add these fees whenever any financial option is used by using actions.

Katie (TicketSpice): What promotions have you found to be successful? I've seen you do flash sales and lots of upgrade opportunities? Would you mind sharing the top promotion strategies you use that helps up-sell orders?


  1. Never do a sale for “no reason” unless ticket sales are doing extremely poor.
  2. Do sales around specific events, such as holidays or even a participant’s birthday. (This helps get an extra social push and doesn’t feel bad to those who already purchased at regular prices because the sale is for something special.)
  3. Limit the # of tickets or other items on sale. Limited supply increases demand.
  4. Make sure there is supporting headers and graphics for each sale.
  5. For our younger crowd, percentages aren’t great. They like to see actual low prices in amounts.
  6. Always do early bird sales to ramp up interest which supports getting people involved early so they can spread the word.
  7. Embrace Black Friday the way a retail store does and do crazy sales but very limited. It is always the biggest day of the year!

With the tools that TicketSpice has to offer, you can see that the possibilities are pretty much endless when driving sales for your event. If you ever want to brainstorm ideas, reach out to our team and we’d be happy to help give ideas like Mike did here.

What tools from our system your favorite to use to drive sales? Connect with us in our Chat.